At CVL, ethics, values and reputation are vital to our philosophy
CDSL Ventures Limited

CKYC Support Services

CVL provides CKYC support services to entities by enabling upload of their client’s KYC data and images to CERSAI Portal to meet their CKYC support services compliance requirements. CKYC support services compliance will allow an investor to transact/deal with all entities governed/regulated by Government of India/Regulator (RBI, SEBI, IRDA and PFRDA) without the need to complete multiple KYC formalities.

Benefits of CKYC support services

  1. Unified KYC services - Intermediary receives all solutions like processing of KRA, OTHER KRA modification and CKYC support services records at the same time.
  2. KYC ready data as per CERSAI format to upload on CERSAI portal.
  3. Separate DASHBOARD for records processed through CKRA portal. This helps POS/Intermediary to monitor status of CKYC support services as well as CVLKRA also.
  4. Support for System integration as per CERSAI time to time.

Intermediaries can get in touch with their SPOC to get CKRA services enabled. The process for the same is defined below:

  1. Sign the Terms and conditions document.
  2. Sign the Tariff sheet.
  3. Provide the following details (via - email)
    • POS code.
    • FI code allocated by C-KYC.
    • Branch code of C-KYC.
    • Region Code of C-KYC.
    • User code of C-KYC.
    • List of users registered in CVL who are to be allocated rights for CKRA.

Post Registration/Activation, intermediaries have various options to transact in CKRA Application based on availability of Digital signatures as follows.

  1. If the Digital Signature of person authorised to access CERSAI Portal & Login details of CKYC support services are available to CVL.
    • The data is uploaded to CKYC support services Application.
    • Response file is downloaded from CKYC support services and uploaded back to CKRA Application.
    • Further actionable items like (Perfect match/Probable Match handling) will be completed by CVL on behalf of the intermediary. In short, the entire cycle of the KYC will be taken care by CVL.
  2. If the Digital Signature is not shared with CVL.
    • CVL informs the Intermediaries via (email/phone) to download the CKYC support services file from CKRA and wait for the response file upload from CKYC support services.
    • In this option, all the file transfer activity between CKRA and CKYC support services needs to be carried out by the Intermediaries.
    • Once the response file received from CERSAI Portal uploaded back to CKRA by the intermediary, the Perfect Match cases check is done by CVL.
    • Probable match cases need to be identified by the Intermediaries.

Daily MIS on the records processed is provided to the Intermediaries for them to update back the KYC Identification Number (KIN) in their application.

In case of any queries, kindly send an email to [email protected] or call on 022 61216969.